The end of 2023 and beginning of 2024 has been a pretty busy time! Too many things happening !!! 

So  what better way to kick off  2024 than being the guest teacher for the Cookiers ( , an awesome cookie community  that helps  its members improve their cookie skills and integrate some modern marketing techniques , to name a few.

And so, on January 2nd, we had a Group zoom call where I introduced myself to the Cookiers, and showed them the cookies they would be  working on during that month,  following the  January video tutorials (Love U Baby pre-recorded class). The fun part is at the end of January, the members of the cookiers will be posting the cookies they created from the monthly tutorials on instagram, so I am pretty excited to see what they created!!!

Thanks so much Mitzi Torgersen @happyconfetti for letting me be part of this Cookie Adventure! 🥰

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